Energy Blog

Energy news, tips and secrets in one place


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February 26, 2024

Power Outage Preparedness: A Complete Guide

Energy, Energy Tips, Safety Guides

Our latest guide will help you prepare for an unexpected outage. Learn how to build emergency and first-aid kits, and how to prepare your home.
9 minutes
February 9, 2024

Three Years After Uri: How Texans Can Help Prevent Future Power Outages

Energy, Energy Tips, Safety Guides

Discover how Texans can contribute to preventing future power outages and minimize impacts in emergencies. Learn more about how you can make a difference!
19 minutes
January 11, 2024

Best Energy Saving Devices for Your Home: From Smart Tech to LED Bulbs

Energy, Energy Tips

Discover the top energy-saving devices and gadgets for your home. From smart thermostats to efficient lighting, learn how to enhance your home's functionality while saving energy!
12 minutes
December 7, 2023

Residential vs. Commercial Electricity Rates

Electricity Plans, Electricity Rates

Explore the differences between residential and commercial electricity rates in our latest blog post. Learn how to choose the right plan for your home or business.
8 minutes
November 28, 2023

How to Read an Electricity Facts Label (EFL)

Electricity Plans, Energy Tips

Unlock the secrets of your Electricity Facts Label with our comprehensive guide. Learn to easily interpret pricing, terms, and more to make informed energy choices.
12 minutes
September 18, 2023

How Does Prepaid Electricity Work: A Complete Guide

Electricity Plans, Electricity Rates

Learn how prepaid electricity works in Texas. Explore the advantages, disadvantages, and key features. Find the right plan for your needs today!
9 minutes
September 12, 2023

How Long Can a Landlord Leave You Without Electricity: What Tenants and Landlords Need to Know

Energy Tips

Know your rights when it comes to rental power outages. Learn about landlord responsibilities and your legal options.
11 minutes
August 21, 2023

Childproofing Electricity: A Parent's Guide to Safeguarding Kids from Electrical Dangers

Energy Tips, Safety Guides

Essential guide on electrical safety for kids. Childproof your home & create a safe space from outlets to the digital age
20 minutes
July 19, 2023

Does Closing Off Rooms Save Heat? An Energy Efficiency Discussion

Energy Tips

Discover if closing off rooms saves heat & energy costs. Gain insights on energy efficiency and understand your heating system with Ladybug Energy!
7 minutes
July 19, 2023

Is Average Billing Really Worth It?

Electricity Rates, Energy Suppliers, Energy Tips

Explore if Average Billing for electricity is worth it. Learn how it works, its pros & cons, and impact on your budget with Ladybug Energy!
9 minutes